Data Analysis and Interpretation
Our Medical Communications and Data Management teams work closely together to ensure stringent data analysis and scientific interpretation.
Micron has long-standing expertise in anti-infective resistance surveillance studies including:
Alexander ProjectGlobal respiratory tract infection pathogens (SKB/GSK)
NearchusRespiratory tract infection pathogens and outcomes in the UK (London Hospitals)
BSACRTI pathogens and bacteraemia in the UK (British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy)
AEGISEuropean Glycopeptide Resistance Surveillance (Aventis)
MYSTICMeropenem Yearly Susceptibility Test Information Collection: 32 countries globally (AstraZeneca)
PROTEKT Prospective Resistant Organism Tracking for the Ketolide Telithromycin: >120 sites globally (Aventis)
PROTEKTUS >250 sites across the USA (Aventis)
Resistance MattersSynthesis of PROTEKT US and prescribing data (Aventis)
TESTTigecycline Evaluation and Surveillance Trial (Wyeth/Pfizer)
AWAREAssessing Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance Evaluation (Allergan)
INFORMInternational Network for Optimal Resistance Monitoring (Allergan)
IRISInfluenza Resistance Information Study: 95 sites globally (Roche)
ATLASCombination of TEST, AWARE and INFORM data (Pfizer)
ATLAS website
ATLAS website
Note: SKB acquired by GSK | Aventis acquired by Sanofi